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Easy Throughput Check - Hawaiian Style

Your browser doesn't support automatic play. Click on the link below If you have a 56k modem and Windows Media Player, a player should appear at the left; within a few seconds, you should start hearing the song - and, on a good connection, it will play through without interruption.

If you have a 56k modem and RealPlayer - click here  If you have a 28.8k modem - click here
You should hear the beautiful song, The One They'd Call Hawaii sung by Pomai & Loeka.

Think you're really getting 56k? Or if you have ISDN - click here for ISDN-mono  -or- click here for ISDN stereo. (Requires >40kbps throughput; Mono = 11khz freq. response, Stereo = 8khz - both at 40kbps sample rate.) If you have a good 56k dial-up connection, you may be able to play this file without a problem. Congratulations!

RealAudio is required.

New Poami & Loeka Song! - Come A'ama Crab:
Click here for 56k modems
Click here
for the 40kbps ISDN file

See more about Pomai & Loeka and Hawaiian music.

If the music starts and stops, skips, etc., you may have a problem with your modem, or your ISP's bandwidth out to the net may be inadequate. Further investigation required - see the (not as easy) Throughput Page. Important note: RealAudio Player version 5 & lower with default settings will start/stop/skip if there's a problem; newer 'G2' versions may be smarter and delay/buffer more of the clip before playing to mask a throughput problem.

For more about Hawaiian Music - click the Hawaiian Music tab on my home page.
If you'd like to own a CD with some great Hawaiian Music, may I suggest any of the 3 albums by Keali'i Reichel available from this link.

Note about this test: If you are getting >32kbps from my site, through the Internet to your ISP and between their modem and yours, the 56k modem test should be successful. It doesn't indicate where the problem is, and may succeed even if you're getting low 56k rates. If you use SystemMonitor or Net.Medic while conducting the test, you'll get an indication of instantaneous throughput. Information on these tools is on the Throughput Page. A difference in throughput using the alternate site indicates a bottleneck after your modem link - either at the server where the files are located, or the connection between it and your ISP's POP. This is a snapshot of Net.Medic while successfully playing the ISDN file, followed by another attempt where the music stopped during a 'null speedshift':
Net.Medic lets you see actual throughput real-time. Click to get it now
Net.Medic lets you see actual throughput real-time. Click to get it now

Real Audio File File Size Sample rate Audio quality
56K File 916K  32kbps 8khz Mono
28.8k File 456k 16kbps 5.5khz Mono
ISDN Stereo 1.144mb 40kbps 8khz Stereo
ISDN Mono 1.141mb 40kbps 11khz Mono


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